A vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) is a high voltage circuit breaker where the arc quenching happens in a vacuum medium. The process of switching on and closing of current carrying contacts and interrelated arc interruption occurs in a vacuum chamber, called a vacuum interrupter.
Open-air pressure is sufficient to quench the arc in air circuit breakers. On the other hand, VCBs must maintain a vacuum pressure ranging from 10-2 to 10-6 torr. Because outside air is free of charge, ACB does not require manual refilling. On the other hand, there is no way to replenish the vacuum in a VCB automatically.
The Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) is a switching device capable for operational switching (on-off operations) of individual circuits or electrical equipment in normal or emergency modes with manual or automatic control, made for a medium voltage of over 1 kV based on the principle of quenching an electric arc that occurs when the contacts open in a vacuum gap.
Custom Vcb Vacuum Circuit Breaker can be customized to fit your specific application requirements while reducing maintenance costs and improving reliability.
Gear is configured to meet any system or application need
Switches and fuses never need adjusting, programming, or dielectric testing
Utility-grade design withstands time and the elements
Preassembled and simpler construction requirements
Lower up-front and maintenance costs than metal-clad switchgear
Fuses offer faster fuse-clearing time and reduce system stress compared to circuit breakers